Wednesday 24 July 2024

Wolverines ...

The main Good guys from the original Red Dawn ,figures from Underfire for the rogue warriors urban strike campaign

Sunday 21 July 2024

Rune Warrior

The latest addtion to the rogue warrior range is a fantasy book called rune warriors the ususal high standard and already has lots of free down loads on the web site , a chance to use all my frostgrave and rangers figures

Wednesday 17 July 2024

warriors of the Wilds

Just recieved the latest kickstarter from Oathsworn for their Burrows and Badgers game , as usual beutiful figures full of charector . Their are 3 factions or warbands soldiers Kindred and outsiders and a free figure for ordering everything .

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Invasion Earth

The mystrious Ship soon gave up its secrets
As the doors slowley opened to reveal .....
ship from Twisted Pinnacle , Daleks are Warlord

Sunday 7 July 2024

A Rogue Warrior Saturday

Got three games of rogue warrior this saturday using the Asymmetric teams .rules , great fun Game 1 had 4 special forces against 8 Enlisted soldiers ,the objective for the Warriors was to capture the plans and a secondary objective of blowing up the ammo dump , the games lasted 6 turns with the Special forces getting aquite emphatic victory .
the second game had the 4 sas warriors trying to rescue the hostages from the rebel recruits . The rebel reinforcemnts caused afew issues but the hostages were rescued and the day was saved.
Third game moved to Vietnam and a team of ANZAC regulars taking on the local NVA ,quite a short bloody battle with the NVA just grasping a last turn victory
Figures are a selection the first 2 games were mainly Spectre and a few crooked dice the nam game were all empress

Tuesday 2 July 2024

More Rogue Warrior Goodness

The latest supplement for Rogue Warriors has just arrived ,Urban Strike is set in an America that has been taken over by Communist forces and a army of Freedom Fighters are trying to take it back , obviuosly using the Red Dawn Movies as back ground material this supplement is of an High standard just like the others in this range loooking forward to playing this one and will be watching the movie for insperation (the orginal of course ). Also been clearing some of my lead mountin ready to try out another RW supplement Evolution the Sci Fi based add on pictures of my CP miniatures fighters and Ogryn .