Thursday 15 September 2016

ACW Tour Day 4 -Antietam and Harpers Ferry

Antietam has changed very little from the day of the battle and the National Park service is actually buying houses that were not there at the time to demolish to give an even more accurate picture of the battlefield.Again a visitor centre sets the scene before you set off and many monuments and markers give information .

The Dunker Church

The sunken Road

and again in the direction of dunker church 

Burnsides Bridge under repair during our visit

In the afternoon we visited Harpers Ferry were the initial spark was lit which saw Lincoln elected and the country plunge into Civil war
Again it has changed very little even after 2 major floods the armoury buildings have gone only the outlines remain but John Browns fort is still there although in a slightly different position after being moved around the country .

Harpers Ferry was strangly deleted when we got there 

Arsenal Square

John Browns Fort

Every Town has its haunted house

Mr Brown under attack 

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