Thursday, 30 January 2025

Arab - Israeli Air Wars research

Wargaming has many different aspects not just the gaming but the collecting ,painting basing and one of the best bits researching . I always end up with a mini library and this period has proved no different a nice collection of new and second hand books of varying use but you cant beat holding and reading a real book put my knide;laway a number of years ago . Most of these were useful but if I ahd to reccomend one it would be the Sword of David this cost me £8.but have seen it for between £20 & £40 so you need to get those search engines working

Sunday, 19 January 2025

More airplanes for the Arab -Israeli wars

Another batch of aircraft finished all israeli this time 4 x Super Mystere known as Sa'ar (storm) to the IDF also I needed a piper Cub for one of the scenarios but I coudnt find one in 1/600 scale so used a Cessna as a stand in .All Tumbling Dice miniatures with Flight Deck Decals .

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Bovington Tank Museum and The Fleet Air Arm Museum

Just spent a week down South so visited Bovington And Yeovil Museums ,been to both before but nothing compares to walking around the real toys .A few Pics below and I must say they are both must see Collections .