Being locked up or is it lock down has caused me to stray with the credit card and `I have purchased Mortal Gods from footsore Miniatures ,the game of skirmishing in ancient Greece. I took up their offer of the starter and the 2 expansions available at the moment and `I am really impressed .The core game includes cards dice ,rulers tokens and figures (plastic Vixtrex 28mm ) and a paperback rule book . Actions are performed after drawing stones from a bag and each hero or companion(s) have aset number of actions they can perform ,each hero or companion as a card with all their details on ,you also get cards that cover gifts from the gods ,these are such things as the ability to move further or be more accurate with a bow .injury cards which may translate your heroes last wound into a injury rather than death and omen cards which may upset the state of your troops by having a flock of birds appear showing good or bad things may happen. Figures are based single if heroes or some troop typres can have single warriors or in formations for liht troops and hopolites the required movement trays and bases are supplied ,the hopolite movement trays can be put together to allow a phalanx to be formed .Combat is achieved by rolling dice that show success with swords or failure with shields and pegasus depict special actions or outcomes
The supplemenst are more of the same but for Sparta and Athens both with specific models ,this time a mix of vicrix plastic and footsore metal figues ,specific cards and more injury dice .
A really nice looking game and I cant wait to play it .
The core game box and rather snazzy rulers |
a sample recruitment card |
`my first painted figures for the game ,round bases for skirmish troops |
triangular bases for troops that can form a phalanx |
The add on Spartan rules |
The add on for Athens |