Thursday, 28 October 2010

Battle of Britain Day by Day

I,m ashamed to say that I have only recently found this blog,and it's fantastic so much research and hard work is put into it ,I have learnt so much from it and so far not been bored by anything on it .Everyone should have a look even if this period is not your thing.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Participation Game

Hi we will be running a FOF participation game on sat 6th November at Wargames Emporium Sheffield to raise funds for the Royal British Legion and to give people the chance to look at the Prizes and buy tickets for the Raffle drawn the following Saturday.

The game will be using the successful 10 Liner scenario we ran at triples this year , based on the Render safe scenario in Operation Uruzgan and a article on the MOD web site about how British EOD units work in Afghanistan.
For details on the raffle follow the headings above for details of the Wargames Emporium  and Ambush Alley games please follow the links below

The game in progress at Triples 2010. (actually it,s the game nearest the camera during a break, we ran two games side by side )

Friday, 15 October 2010

Hammerhead & Triples 2011

We have now 2 definite shows confirmed for 2011 where we will be putting on participation games to raise funds for the Royal British Legion ,these are Hammerhead at Newark in February and Sheffield Triples ,links below .Thanks and hope to see you there.

In Flanders Fields

by John McCrae, May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

we shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Sturmovik Commander

As mentioned earlier those great chaps at Sturmovik Commander have allowed us to use their rules in our British Legion fund Raising campaign, but now they have made a nice contribution by sponsering us with some very nice models,and scenery for our games plus advirtising as well can I just thank them along with our other sponsers for helping us so much and ask everyone to follow the link in our sonsers Section to the Sturmovik Commanders web page and they have a very useful yahoo group as well. Thank you Marcin and team. The Rules are free to download and are very playable ,you do not need loads of models or be a mechanical genius to build flight stands and they have loads of back up stuff ,like scenarios ,add on rules for almost everything you can think of and they are a "Living rule set" in other words constantly being added to and improved ,and the team  encourage feed back from players.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Here are a few cards I have designed for UK forces replacing the USA orientated wording on  the AA and FOF Asset cards .When I am satisfied with them and hace a full set I will willingly send them to any one who drops me a line.

RAF Memorial

The plaque in Newark dedicated to all who served from the many Airfields around the area. We will be running WW2 Air combat games to raise funds for The Royal British Legion using the Sturmovik Commander rules ,just to remind everyone that The Legion gives support to all branches of our armed forces from all conflicts past and present.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Malayan Emergency

I was looking for a new period to play for myself but that would tie in with my Fundraising for the Royal British Legion and for use with Ambush alley's Force on Force.I looked at ww11 which is a favourite period of mine ,but already on show at most convention's .I wanted something a little different and out of the blue came Inkerman castings Malayan range , a superb range that promises to cover everything needed and a fascinating conflict .Using force on force Ambush Valley add on , I will field the Communist terrorists as the lists for Viet Cong Main Force ,with D8 troop quality and D8 Morale ,but with the poorly supplied rule .This represents the fact that at least the CT's leaders where well trained and used to fightiing in that area during the second world war , and the fact that after the first few months the supplies began to dry up due to increased security force numbers and the hearts and minds policy that was brought in. The special rules Ambush , Lack of initiative ,poor communication Elusive foe ,victory through blood , Reinforce and Fight another day ,will also be used.
The Commonwealth forces will be classed as ANZACS with TQ D10 and M D10 (this may change in some scenarios to represent a force with a large number of national service men rather than regulars) he special rule Rules of engagement will be used.

As yet I have not decided on Morale and TQ for the Police units and plantation owners ,any help appreciated.

For more info on the Malayan Emergency read  The War of the Running Dogs by Noel Barber and there a couple of links in my links section as well. The Inkerman range can be seen at the Brittania miniatures site .

Better pictures and samples are regulary seen on the ambush Alley Forum. I hope to put up some better photos as soon as possible.