We played our first proper game of Ospreys "the Men Who Would Be Kings " last night at Sheffield Wargames Society . I Umpired whilst Ian took the part of the British and John over saw the Zulu Impi , we used the Run to the Hills scenarios ,with afew amendments for the AZW not in the main rule book . Ian had 3 British Regular units one with the sharpshooter trait and 2 NNC units ,Johns Impi consisted of 3 married and 3 unmarried regiments .Things got off to a bad start for the Brits with each unit rolling for thier leadership trait which consisted of Drunkards ,Brutal and Ugly leaders ,the Zulus faired a lot better .Surprisingly the first kills of the game came from a unit of NNC taking out 3 Zulus ,after that things went down hill quickly for the British with a lot of bad dice rolls and the Zulus making good use of the go to ground rule to get close to the red coats. The game only lasted 6 turns before the Zulus over ran the galent forces of Queen Victoria ,one unit of NNC fled the field but everyone else died to a man ,The Redcoats made a valient last stand and actually destroyed one regiment of Zulus before dying in a good traditional victorian way . Overall we liked the rules we made a couple of adjustments on the night but good fun .Figures a mix of Warlord ,Perry,wargames factory and Empress mat by urbanmatz .
some poor officers on parade |
The Zulu leaders showed their metal |
loking down the table towards the Britsh start point |
The NNC cause some minor problems for the Zulus |
Ian and John get ready for some fisticuffs , on the table thankfully |
Fittingly dressed to be the umpire |
The slaughter begins |
Zulus used the go to Ground Rule very well |
no time to write letters home |
all looks lost |
The last surviving Redcoats but not for long |
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