Another look at the rules now Ive read them and hopefully this will answer some of the questions I have been asked and give you an idea what you will need to play .The rules are card cover and colour through out and are a 112 pages long . They are a D6 set and it looks like you will need a few . Movement and ranges are in inches ,you will need a few counters although dedicated perspex couters are available there are no cut outs or downloadable ones available that I know of . There is apoints system but scenarios seem to be the way to go and there are anumber included .
The big thing with the rules are the skill level of troops going from level 0 which are civilians ,armed criminals etc upto level 12 who are the SAS, Delta types .The elite boys will wipe the floor with the lower level troop types unless you play them correctly and have sufficient numbers to out shoot the SAS and spetsnaz types. Commanders and leaders add bonuses and each level of fighter have traits which can help them out as well . Choosing the right equipment and dividing it out amongst your teams is crucial as well.
TURN SEQUENCE . its u go I go system .
phase 1 =INITIATIVE a roll of aD6 plus the highest command rating on each side wins so usually the elite /professional types will win this
phase 2 =COMMAND PHASE , models pass a command roll to perform certain actions such as going into over watch and calling in off table fire.
phase 3 =MOVEMENT & TACTICAL ACTIONS .moving which is 6" normally and performing tactical actions which include using stun grenades ,breaching walls and doors ,moving into close combat
phase 4 =COMBAT the fun part covers the fighting which looks to be fast and bloody
There are rules including for everything I can think of ,night vision equipment ,every type of weapon and ammo , civlians getting in the way ,all quite clearly explained and laid out .
Vehicles , these are intended to be things like technicals and special forces soft skins amd SUV's but basic rules for everything up to MBT's are in there as well .
I always like to know how many figures I am going to need and what size playing areas so looking at the included scenarios you will need:
1. US Rangers v Insurgents a 3x3 foot table with 30 rangers and 48 insurgents of variuos kinds
2. MIlitia and Mercs v special forces again 3x3 but points based so forces will vary.
3. Militia v task force a 4 x4 table with 33 militia v 7 task force
4 SAS v Milita 6 SAS against 20 militia who get another 20 militia each of the 10 turns however with the combat rules I think the militia player will be recycling his dead figures this is a 4x4 table set up
5 muti player with 6 delta force ,6 spetsnaz 15 criminal gang 2 police in acar ,and 8 swat in 2 SUV's on a3x3 table .
The trick is lots of scenary as well ,most of teh above scenarios have off table or air support which can be used without the actual models although a couple of little birds or blackhawks always look nice.
my only quibble is there are no seperate quick play sheets or charts though you can down load a quick play sheet from the web site .
lots of nice pics |
nicely laid out in a clear readable format |
everything seems to explained very well |