Saturday 20 August 2022

Cluedo Hostage Rescue Team .

Had the pleasure of helping run Sheffield Wargames Societies participation game at a local show Chilcon. I have played the game before and it is tactical but great fun ,John Armatys has done a great job turning the classic cluedo game into a special forces rescue mission with all the characters Miss Scarlett , Reverand Green and friends being held hostage by some nasty terrorists whose first act is to execute Dr Black and leave his body as a warning on the steps to the mansion . The players take the part of the special forces team and make the plan then execute it to save the hostages ,not knowing where the hostages and terrorits are or even how many bad guys there are . The show was pretty quite but we managed to run one practice game before the show opened and then ran it three times for the public who all seemed to enjoy it , i even overheard one group saying it was the best game at the show. Games such as this can be found at Wargames Developement or along with more serious games at Sheffield Wargames Society .

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