All I can say about this amazing place is if you are interested in Naval History and you haven't visited yet GO , really this is the place for Royal Navy Buffs .Amongst the many things to see are HMS Victory ,Nelsons flag ship at Trafalgar ,a really fascinating ship it took us about an hour and a half to walk round and listen to the facts abiout the ship ,Nelson and the battle ,beware of aa stiff neck though once we got below decks I was stooped all the time ,there is also the Nelson museum to visit. nearby is HMS M33 the last surviving ship that fought at Gallipoli .HMS Warrior 1860 at the time the largest ,fastest and most powerful ship in the world .Until December this year there is agreat exhibit "36 hours Jutland 1916 " this alone is worth the visit .There are many exhibits and museums plus attractions for the kids ,take the water bus to Gosport for the subamarine musem and a harbour tour around the modern Royal Navy ships and the Napoleonic forts . A few tips if you are going buy the full navy ticket which allows you into everything except the Mary Rose which is seperate entry price, it also lasts a year ,you do need more than 1 day to see everything properly ,also stay in the Keppleshead hotel a 18th century inn just outside the dockyard gates ,it has free parking and loads of history ,it is a bit run down but clean and the staff and food were great .