Sheffield Triples 21st-22nd May
A Scenario based on the Road Warrior documentary TV series Afghanistan 2010
A British Supply Convoy is racing to reach the safety of a forward base before darkness falls .The Taliban are also rushing to the same area to stop the British vehicles in their tracks....
The game lasted 10 turns ,British Objective to get all the convoy and escorts to the far table edge and safety before the end of turn 10. Taliban objective to do as much damage as possible .
Force on force rules with 20mm Britannia ,Elhiem figures and Britannia and revell vehicles and air cover from the Royal British Legion Gift Range.
we managed to run 10 games over the weekend with a mix of total newcomers to the rules ,players of the original AA rules and owners of the new edition ,all were pleased and enjoyed the game and a few sets of rules were purchased from the many traders attending . I would like to thank the following : Sheffield Wargames Society ,the organisors of triples and who made a large donation to our fund raising bucket for the Royal British Legion. Tim Gow a really nice wargamer who,s blog megablitz and more is a must see, Bill from underfire Miniatures for his support look at his site to see his lovely figures ,every one who took part in our game or contributed to our fund raising and of course Shawn and the team at Ambush Alley Games for not onlt their support but also a fantastic rules system.
Monday, 23 May 2011
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Pointmen at Triples
John ,Elaine(hopefully )& myself will be running participation games at Sheffield Triples this coming weekend 21st 22nd may ,stop by look at the games and help us raise funds for the RBL.
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Stylish Blogger Award

1. Thank and link back to the person giving you the award.
Thanks Chris aka Sgt Scream
2. Share seven things about yourself.
A. I love my Family
B.Get wound up by cold callers
C.Dozens of unfinished wargames projects Ambush Alley is the only one I have continued with
D.Avid bookworm own 100's of books
E. Hammer Film Fan
F. we have a spirit called Mandy live with us (dont use the G***T WORD)
G. I am a Royalist
3. Select 10-15 blogs who you think deserve this award.
In no Particular Order:
1. A really nice guy with some amazing projects
2. A great Blog about a fascinating period
3. A nice blog
4. Lots of Useful stuff
5. A real wargamer and a interesting blog ,Tim Gow is the man
6. Great blog fantastic painting I use his ECW Rules
7. Not updated in a while but I like it
8. another interesting read
9. Lots of dark age goodness
10. more goodness
4.- Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award
Will Do

1. Thank and link back to the person giving you the award.
Thanks Chris aka Sgt Scream
2. Share seven things about yourself.
A. I love my Family
B.Get wound up by cold callers
C.Dozens of unfinished wargames projects Ambush Alley is the only one I have continued with
D.Avid bookworm own 100's of books
E. Hammer Film Fan
F. we have a spirit called Mandy live with us (dont use the G***T WORD)
G. I am a Royalist
3. Select 10-15 blogs who you think deserve this award.
In no Particular Order:
1. A really nice guy with some amazing projects
2. A great Blog about a fascinating period
3. A nice blog
4. Lots of Useful stuff
5. A real wargamer and a interesting blog ,Tim Gow is the man
6. Great blog fantastic painting I use his ECW Rules
7. Not updated in a while but I like it
8. another interesting read
9. Lots of dark age goodness
10. more goodness
4.- Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award
Will Do
Elhiem Figures Review
Most modern gamers will already be aware of Matt at Elhiem's work ,I for one wasn't though, I was a big fan of Britannia's modern Brits & Afghan Stuff but with the sad loss of Dave Howitt I was left with a few gaps in my collection .I did look at another well known manufacturer but was put off by a poor website and unanswered emails so I tried Elhiem and very glad I am too ,not only a very good service and help with my fundraising but really wonderful figures as well .The modern the British packs are nice and in use able sets , I was lucky in that as I was ready to put my order in a few new packs appeared for example two female dog handlers . The taliban are nice and come with a nice selection of weapons some are carrying AK's with slung RPG's etc .Above are some comparison shots of a Elhiem (unpainted) and a Britannia sorry for poor quality.
Overall Comparison's
Elhiem slightly Slimmer than Britannia
Some weapons are almost identical in size some are not ?
Elhiem's Taliban have a more modern appearance than Dave |Howitts at first glance I wasnt impressed with the dogs from Elhiem but now I have them painted can't think what I thought was wrong.
sets of Separate back packs some with weapons are a nice touch and allow for a bigger selection of figures
Mix together on the Table very well ,will try some more photo's later.
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