Monday 10 April 2023

Mars Code Aurora

Finally got the time to play our first game of the new sci fi rule set from studio Tomahawk. I used my predators as the Science faction using a full predator ,alex from AVP and 3 hounds from Predators, against Dutch and the boys from the first movie using the Equality faction stats . I controlled the humans and poor die roles while the predators conrolled by John using sneaky tactics soon got the upper hand A swift and bloody game we only briefly had to check the rule book and the Predators wiped out Arnie & co with the loss of one hound in under an hour . A great game and afterwards a quick discussion and look at the rules we found factions to cover all our sci fi based figures . A few pics below showing my collection of Predators too many to include in one game but they are great figures and a couple of shots fromn the actual game ,just as an after thought the 3 hounds were christned fifi ,fido and fang

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