I tried out 3 solo zombie rules add ons ,one after the other ,same scenario same scenery just different figures to suit the rules .You do need the main rules to pay all these
7TV Apocalypse survival horror solo rules
Chose these first just because I knew they would take a bit more organising getting the cards out etc , the rules are free from the Crooked Dice web site and are written to be used with their apocoylpse rule set . I used figures from the Crooked Dice apocalypse range ,the secret base and jail are from Crooked as well ,the mission to search the base .The game played well ,although my survivors didnt survive long as each time they killed a zombie I rolled for respawned in the same place so the poor humans were soon over powered ,a ault in my die rolls not the games .You only use half the usual number of countdown cards as the zombies dont use them but I ran out of guys before I had turned them all over ,great fun .
The base |
the garage doesnt seem tooffer secure parking |
The survivors might be running out of luck .
Last Days on Earth ,Zombie Apocalypse
This game from Osprey didnt impress me in normal play but is alot better in solo mode just because you get more zombies for your money ,the solo rules are in a supplement called Seasons and are free off the face book page. Again a really good game the humans did a lot better but had to leave the base before anything useful was found .
Almg works wonders |
Spectre Operations -Zombie operations
Another freebie from Spectres webstore , another fun set I personally liked this one the best my SAS team kicked ass as well ,although it was a close run thing .
All 3 played well but in my opinion ,spectre was first ,7TV second and last days er last but really close and all worth playing
Zombies from many places including ,studio miniatures , footsore ,heresy ,hassle free ,local graveyard .