Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Sea Devils & U.N.I.T

More figures done for Doctor Who this time some Sea Devils and UNIT troopers , the Sea Devils are from the short lived Warlord range and teh UNIT are resin from Twisted Pinnacle .lots og DWMG action coming up this summer

Sunday, 23 February 2025


I ordered a Hellboy resin figure from Solarmodelsnprops on Etsy and there was a mix up with my delivery which was quickly sorted out and the owner put in a free Hellboy Bust as a thank you for waiting . I have not done the item I ordered as yet but I have done the free Bust ,I can only compliment the quality of the products and the customer service from Solarmodelsnprops .

Friday, 21 February 2025

Israeli Aircraft for Check your 6 Jet Age

Finally finished my Israeli AirForce models ,all 1/600 from tumbling dice with Flight Deck decals . I based my purchses on the available scenarios in the main rule book ,the Star and Pyramid campaign book and the scenarios availble on the face book group plus afew extras due to numbers in the packs I purchased how ever after reading the rules I will probably only flying afew models at atime some of the scenarios would take a long time to play due to the large number of air craft . These cover the mid sixties to the mid Eighties ,I will probably eventually cover the earlier war of independence at some point as well . I haev almost completed the Egyption stuff and then will get some Iraqi , Iranian ,Jordanian and Syrian ones as well . Pictures of the Israeli Air Craft sat in the magnatised box hopefully get some of them in action soon .Some of the Egytion stuff sneaked in there as well

Thursday, 20 February 2025

The Silurian's

Some new scenario PDF's have come for the Dr Who Miniature Game which was my favourite rules for games involving the Dr and luckily I still have the orignal printed copy of the rules . After recieving the new scenarios I dug out my unpainted stuff and the first batch are these Silurians ,nice resin 3d prints painted up niceley and easily next batch will be their allies the Sea Devils .