Monday 17 June 2024

Rogue Warrior

Played a couple of games of Rogue Warrior over the last few days , a simple starter to show John how the games play he had 4 SAS against my 4 Contractors ,we called it a draw as Johns SAS made a tactical withdrawel from the table preventing my complete victory . The second was using the Tour of Duty supplement again this played very well with the Australian SAS having a great victory over the NVA . Really enjoyed the games and John was impressed he has ordered the main rules and a couple of the campaign books . A few pics below ,figures in the modern game were Spectre and assault group
the Nam figures were all Empress

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Senjutsu -a battle for Japan

About 4 years ago I saw a kickstarter for a boxed game about warfare in the samurai age ,it looked amazing and was promised for delivery in May 2022 ,so i went on board with the top pledge and waited and waited and waited after lots of silly messages saying it was on a ship and it was stuck in port and so on and so on then messages saying the original promise about one part couldnt be met overall it was an awful experience capped off with the game being sold retail before i recieved it . The game has now arrived 2 years late with a damaged box and i must add i have now lost interest in it ,the figures are lovely and the other componants are colourful I think its just the experience of dealing with the manufacturer ,I think it will go in a cupboard for a while before I get round to playing it .

Sunday 9 June 2024

Rogue warriors

Found agreat set of skirmish rukes called Rogue warriors got the bug just reading the main rule book and the free support and down loads on the rogue warriors website so I ordered 2 other books for the game ,Tiger Blood which is a campaign book that introduces new rules , back ground for the forces involved and new rules the second was Ungentlemanly warriors which brings the rules to ww2 and also introduces solo rules with the player having his SOE ,Commandoes or SAS against AI run German sentries and guards . I played 2 games this weekend based on scenarios from the main rule book the first game was declared a draw with one side snatching the lap top and one data stick the others got three Data sticks both sides had one . The second game was adefinate win for the SAS protecting a person of interest in an ambushed convoy ,really enjoyed the games so mucj Im ordering the next two books Tour of Duty for Nam and Evoltution which brings Sci Fi into the games . A selection of pics from both games