Sunday 19 May 2024

Belloludi Nam 1st game

Played my first game of Belloludi's Vietnam rules ,the scenario was basic so I couyld try out most of the rules and I must admiot I really enjoyed the games . The set up was a SAS patrol bumpimh into an NVA force and the regular Anzacs coming on to help ,it was a bloody and fun game and I must advise you to get the card deck it added so much to the game and helped the NVA to a close victory when two of the Aussie sections were handed cards that made them both move away to investigate dust on opposite table edges ,the Command dice seemed to dislike both commanders who kept rolling Zero or Blunders and it was up to the lower ranks on both sides to carry the fight and I must give praise to the Brave Aussie nedic who tried his best to keep the freeworld in the game . played the game twice the first game lasted about 50 minutes and the second around 90 minutes both games had just ove 30 figures per side and I was using the 1 sided play sheet after the first couple of turns only needing to clarify rules in the book a couple of times . Need to get painting my WW1 stuff so I can have a proper game of that version as well A few pictures of the board and figures below ,I will attempt to do aturn by turn write up on my next game

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