Thursday, 29 October 2020

October painting challenge -Hellboy in Mexico

 Finished the final part of my October Challenge and done better than hoped set my self the target of finishing 11 out off the 20 figures and managed all 20 .Now to look at Novembers Challenge

Luchador Hellboy-El Hermano Vengativo -El Hermano Estoico and Estaban the intrepid Agents
Camazutz- Tha main bad guy
 Mounted and infantry undead Conquistadors
 3 Hungrey Vampires and 3 Crypt Spirits

and Finally 3 Giant Bats ,a very nice set of figures for a really great game system .

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

October Painting Challenge-Battle for Grozney

 Finished the 5 Empress(red star) miniatures for Grozny that were on my desk for my  Chechnia project,this challenge is going well so far the last part are the Hellboy in Mexico figures I set myself a target of finishing 11 out of the 20 but have completed 14 so far so hopefully do the full set .

Sunday, 25 October 2020

October Painting Challenge -FIW update

 Another part of the challenge completed ,the largest part a mix of 40  F.I.W figures for either Sharp Practice 2 or Muskets and Tomahawks 2 , all have been sat on my painting table for a while one complete unit and the others left overs from other completed sets 

A group of Huron French Allies ,mainly Galloping Major with one odd Northstar 

12 local militaia led by self appointed Major Disaster
Two versions of daniel hyacinthe liénard de beaujeu a Fench officer who led the troops into battle in Indian garb ,the left hand figures is from Northstar and rminds me of Charles Hawtry and will never grace my table the other is a much more impressive version from Galloping Major
Rogers and some of his Rangers

A few Brave settlers led by Reverend Mister Bligh 
A lone French Militia again galloping Major

 A few Mohawks a mix of Galloping Major and Conquest Miniatures before they became Warlord 

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Lion Rampant-Crusader States

 I bought the Osprey Lion Rampant rule set with the aim of wargaming the crusades but they were pretty generic although seemed to be a decent game, now the University of Edinburgh have released a supplement ,Lion Rampant the Crusader states . The supplement is more than double the size of the rule book and is packed full of historical information ,new rules ,12 army lists and 12 scenarios plus its packed full of osprey colour plates and pictures of toys , maps and charts .It looks agreat addition to the rule set .

Monday, 19 October 2020

October painting challenge update -Hellboy Core Game

 Doing quite well with the painting challenge ,finished the figures from the core Hellboy Game ,when I set my self the challenge i had already undercoated the figures and blocked out sopme of the minions but all done in October so no cheating .All from Mantics core game set  the figures are about 35 mm except the large monsters which are a lot bigger all in one piece so no gluing or messing about a  real pleasure to paint .

The Good Guys Liz ,Abe Sapien , Hellboy and Johan Kraus

The minions ,3 each of Rampaging ,Transforming ,Venomous and Armed frog monsters plus 6 frog swarms
The Boses of the bad guys  ,The Tentacles of `Sadu -Hem ,Rasputin and the Giant Frog Monster .

Also manage to get game in as well ,really loving this game it can be payed solo or cooperative with up to 4 players against the game ,great fun and quite a challenge .

Sunday, 11 October 2020

end of Year Painting Challenge

 Seeing as I am painting lots but not finishing anything I have set my self month by month painting challenge 

October :

finish off the figures from the Hellboy core box=25 figures (I have done alot of these)

Complete at least half of Hellboy in Mexico set (20 figures in set ,so at least 10)

Finish the F.i.W figures on my desk ( 40)

Finish the modern Russians on my desk(5)

Hopefully this will clear my painting desk , dependent on the success of this I will set myself a similier target for November.