Thought I would mention base sizes for the kingdom is ours ,when we were planning our armies we started from scratch so decided we would use the base sizes from the rule book ,however we soon found out that the warlord figures we were using seemed very cramped on the bases and it was difficult to put filler and flock between the figures so we enlarged them slightly for foot and horse .We kept the number of figures the same except for Horse bases where we use 3 instead of 4 figures ,this will not matter as the casualties are marked on a tracker rather than removing figures.The sizes we use are shown below next to the rule reccomended sizes .
Reccomended ours
foot 40mm x 40mm 50mm x50mm
Horse 40mm x 80mm 50mm x 80mm (3 figs)
Guns 60mmx80mm 60mmx80mm
commander 60mm round 60mm round