My Idea for a project to use as display/participation game when shows recommenceafter cover to help advertise our club,Sheffield war games society has been on my mind for a couple of months and Ive bought some kit ,so will be doing a hopefully regular series on my progress ,play tests and then the shows .The game will be the battle for Grozny in the First Chechin war 1994-96.The Battle was an incredibly bloody affair ,the Russian forces had captured Grozny and set up a large garrison which a smaller but determined force of Chechen freedom fighters soon put to flight .The Russian armed forces set up a rescue mission and launched a number of armoured columns into Grozny, the defenders fell back which caused the Russian columns to advance too far ,they became mixed up with different units not knowing where to go or what to do .The Chechens launched a number of ambushes taking out the lead and rear vehicles then slowly destroying what was left trapped in the rubble of Grozny .No one knows how many died ,the Russians admit to 62 Tanks ,163 other armoured vehilcles destroyed and 2000 dead ,500 missing and 96 captured soldiers ,no one counted the rebels dead and of course the civilian losses were much ,much more. I will cover the figures ,rules and scenery in future posts so for now some photos of the actual conflict ,some surreal images included .
Russian troops advance ,the uniforms show a real mix of camo types and styles |
Russians under fire |
Everything was thrown in to the conflict ,at least 3 Hinds were lost |
More Russians under fire |
A chechin veteran of earlier conflicts turns out to help |
The freedom Fighters |
Time for a musical interlude ,a piano is amust for my board |
Interesting project! And just in case the reality wasn’t ghastly enough, here’s another view: